jokes factual

Picked up from Twitter:

behnisch Alexej Behnisch
Gaddafi’s son Saif wrote a PhD thesis at the #LSE on “the role of civil society in the democratisation of global governance institutions”

21 Feb

sunny_hundal sunny hundal
World Bank is a joke: “Ex-Lehman chief risk officer appointed World Bank treasurer” (via @sallyrhill)

27 Jun

VersoBooks VersoBooks
Blair puts Isaac Deutscher’s three-volume biography of Trotsky on his list of ‘Desert Island Books’

27 Jun

KathViner Katharine Viner
Telegraph: News Corp being sued by shareholders for failing to take early action on phone hacking (via @sunny_hundal)

12 Jul


Blair’s thing is a bit exceptional.  He is pretty aware that it would sound awkward.
